Types of Call Centers: Inbound & Outbound

A call center is a location that either receives or makes phone calls or texts. There are two main types of call centers that are classified. Call centers are located all over the world, with the majority of them being in Asian regions such as India and the Philippines. Call centers typically use auto dialers to make or receive calls, texts, and voicemails to their customer service representatives.

Outbound Call Center

example of outbound call

An outbound call center is a call center that has call center agents making calls to a customer on behalf of the call center itself, or the client or business that is being represented. Outbound call centers may take advantage of a predictive dialer in addition to a regular autodialer to ensure that they are calling a person who will pick up on the other end of the phone. These types of calls can be:

  • Surveys (Election + Opinion Polls)
  • Telemarketing
  • Sales or Marketing
  • Fund-Raising
  • Verification or confirmations for services
  • Checkup services from a doctors office

Inbound Call Center

what is an inbound call center

An inbound call center is when a person calls a customer service representative. This caller could be a customer looking for information about a product, a person who needs technical support, or calls that need to be routed to correct members within an organization. In this scenario, a call center should estimate the number of calls they will receive each month, and hire accordingly based on how many calls an agent can answer each day or hour.

Are you looking for an autodialer solution for your call center? Check out the Autodialer & Predictive Dialer Directory.

Types of Call Centers: Inbound & Outbound

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