Most autodialer and robodialer companies love the National US election season because many political parties are looking to promote their candidates agendas and campaigns to a mass amount of people through telephone solutions. After the elections come and go, what happens to the contracts that are set in place with those companies and how do […]

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(Austin, TX) – Uber Technologies Inc. has been hit with a potential class-action lawsuit over their use of robodialers to send out automated text messages urging users to support Proposition 1 – in order to repeal a law that requires ride sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft to conduct background checks for each one […]

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Making the decision to grow your business and hire an IVR company to field calls can be an intimidating task, especially for a small business owner. Luckily, we have compiled a list of 10 different solutions you can use for your business to field customer questions and solve problems without the use of a live […]

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